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Volume 1, Issue 1 - February, 2015 - Contents

Editor's Message, p.3
Boris Naimushin

On the concept of term equivalence, pp.4-17
Diana Yankova
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How far do we agree on the quality of translation?, pp.18-31
Maria Kunilovskaya
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The methodological structure of a language A to language B translation textbook, pp.32-45
Dmitry Yermolovich
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Challenging academic presentations, pp.46-62
Milka Hadjikoteva
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Helping learners with dyslexia read in English, pp.63-71
Blagovesta Troeva
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The governess as a Gothic heroine in Henry James' The turn of the screw, pp.72-79
Andrea Gencheva
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The American Civil War as a social revolution: the Enlightenment, providential consciousness and changes in moral perception, pp.80-96
Tadd Graham Fernée
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Система городской навигации города Москвы как проблема мултьтикультурного моделирования лингвистического образа города
(The Latinization of Moscow street signs as an approach to urban navigation in a multicultural environment), pp.97-115
Olga Suleimanova, Daria Holodova
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Особенности типов субъектов в переводческой перспективе
(Subject types and their characteristics in translation), pp.116-126
Marina Fomina
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Issue metrics for ESNBU Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015:
Submitted: 28
Rejected: 19
Published: 9
Acceptance rate: 32.14%